EOS 1D Mark II (also "N") Experience Report

A review diary by Uwe Steinmueller
@Digital Outback Photo
Also photos by Bettina Steinmueller |
This review will be written again in the form
of a diary. Most recent findings on top. |
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Brud Jones, 2/1/2004
Note on image processing:
As usual we work only with raw files and use a of Camera
Raw 2.2 for Photoshop CS or a beta of Bibble 4.
All images are also sharpened using EasyS
Sharpening. |
10/10/2005 |
Canon 5D, 1D Mk. II (N), 1Ds Mk. II and Nikon D2x |
9/11/2005 Canon EOS 1D Mk.II N first impressions |
We just got in a production sample from the 1D
Mk. II N. Overall all the upgrades seem to be minor but of course
nice to have.
The 2.5" LCD allows clearly a better view on images and
histogram data. But overall we think that Canon could improve
the organization
of their histogram views. In our view the Nikon D2x allows a
better inspection on the LCD while using a LCD of about the same
size. We would propose to show the histograms as an overlay with
both the luminance and the RGB channel histograms. The histograms
have to be very bright and also the clipping indicators easy visible.
But as said the LCD size is very nice.
The 1D Mk. II N comes with DPP 2.0 which is also a minor update
to the previous DPP versions. The newly included "Picture Style"
(both on camera and in DPP) have some potential. But this would
also require that Canon documents how to create and read your
own picture styles. As we understand the Picture Styles also
use ICC profiles. Would be nice if the user could create own Picture
Style with also custom profiles.
A very good feature for many users is the new backup option.
You can record all RAWs on one card (e.g. CF card) and a JPG
copy on the other card (e.g. SD card). This has a few workflow
and security advantages:
- You can process fast all the JPGs (sports and weddings)
- Get later the matching RAW for larger prints and fine tuning
- If one card messes up (it happens) you have a copy
Overall we still think the Canon 1D Mk. II is a great action
camera and the "N" version even improved a bit (we shot 21 RAWs
in one 8 fps burst - we used a slow 4GB Microdrive). We plan to
use the "N" a bit more over the next few weeks. |
7/18/2004 Canon 1D Mark II Gallery published |
After 2500 frames the Canon 1D Mark II is
now normal part of our photographic work (side by side
with the 1Ds). The gallery shows
a broad spectrum of outdoor shots. We have to say this is the
most versatile high-end DSLR right now.
What we love
- Speed
- Low noise at even higher ISO
- Solid body
- All the great features of the original 1D and 1Ds
What we don't like
- Mirror lockup needs a menu change. Canon did not learn from
1Ds and previous 1D
- Switch between RGB and luminance histogram also needs a menu
- Histogram shows values for the embedded JPG and does not
properly reflect the raw data
Highly Recommended |
7/4/2004 Ghost Town Bodie Portfolio |
Nearly all photos in this portfolio were taken
with the Canon 1D Mark II. |
6/26/2004 Lens Distortions |
We have now helped to create some lens profiles
for PTLens and the Mark II. Check it out! |
6/19/2004 Photo trip to the Eastern Sierra |
This is our first real test of the Mark II.
We use it side by side with our Canon 1Ds.

Golden Light near Mono Lake (Mark II)
There are many notes that the vertical
shutter release of the Mark 2 is over sensitive. We can confirm
this. It would be a main headache for us if we would not mostly
use horizontal shots.
Otherwise we like what we get from
the Mark II. Have a look at our Eastern
Sierra travel portfolio. |
6/15/2004 Phil
Askey's Mark II review |
We did not find any surprise here. Canon defines
the state of the art for a 8MP DSLR. |
6/12/2004 Fine detail raw test file |
Thanks to Ferenc Harmat we can provide our
readers with a raw test file that contains very high frequency
elements and will challenge all raw converters (detail resolution,
demosaicing artifacts and color aliasing).
You can download the test file from
here (8MP ZIP).
THis file is also a good test case for all sharpening tools that
you want to use for 1D Mark II files. |
6/1/2004 High frame rate |
We tried to capture Snowy Egret at full frame
rate 8.5 fps.

Snowy Egret with 300mm f/4 + 1.4TC
Evening sun and white Egrets is tough but the
shot is just ok. This photo is from a landing sequence. |
5/30/2004 Sharpening and Upsizing 1D Mark II
files |
Our recent Sharpening
Contest #4 featured a Mark II image. The result was
a 500 pixel crop. We upsized the sharpened 500 pixel wide crop
to 1248 pixels wide (using some custom upsizing routine from a
friend), This results in an image that prints 5.2" wide at
240 PPI (equivalent to the whole image being about 36x24"
@ 240 PPI).
You can download the upsized image from
here. Try how it looks on your printer. But don't
forget that the complete image would print at 36x24".
Printing this sample also will give you some feeling how images
print even if they don't look that impressive on screen. |
5/29/2004 At the Santa Cruz Pier |
Now the Mark II is part of our main equipment.
We will mainly share new insights and the results of our review
portfolios. This time at
Santa Cruz Pier.

5/28/2004 Closeup |
Here is one more shot from Filoli (using Canon
100mm Macro lens @ ISO 400):

Giant Poppy with Bee (crop of the full frame image)

At 100% magnification
5/27/2004 A note on 1D Mark II resolution by
Jack Flesher |
Jack Flesher is a new contributor to our site.
He already contributed to our 1D
Mk. II, 1Ds and /C shootout.
Here is a sample that shows the detail a Mark II can resolve
with top lenses:

Full frame shot
Jack Flesher wrote: "The first is the fullframe shot taken
with the MKII and 200mm lens PLUS the 1.4x converter, for an effective
280mm at 1/2500th @ f4, RAW converted in ACR and no other post
except sharpened EasyS
before downsizing and converting to 8-bit sRGB.

100% magnification after upsizing to 24x36 at 300 DPI
The second shot is actual pixel crop of that image AFTER I upscaled
it to 24x36 at 300 DPI with my own custome PS action. Note you
can see the small needle holes in the glove where the machine
stitching is!
You should realize that at actual pixel view, a 24x36 300 PPI
print crop is like looking at a section of a poster print that
is around 8x12 FEET.
You can also see a single strand of my daughter's hair in the
final print!! Impressive I think..."
5/26/2004 Flowers and Sharpening |
We like to photograph flowers at Villa Filoli.
Photographing flower close ups is challenging:
- Wind
- Getting close and have low DOF
This means you want to use high shutter speed (1/160 or faster)
and an f-stop at at least f/8 or smaller. This means that you
want to use ISO 200 or even higher. With the Mark II we don't
even think twice working at ISO 400. With all our previous cameras
we got way more noise at this level.

Filoli Art Garden

Giant Poppy
Yellow Flowers (we don't know the name :-))
As we already know the Mark Ii needs
quite some sharpening. But the good news is it sharpened very

100% magnification (no sharpening)
Same sharpened with EasyS
5/25/2004 Mark II RGB histogram |
We want to caution you judging the exposure
by only using the RGB histogram. Here is what we found out (ll
histograms from the same image):

1D Mark II RGB Histogram
We now show the histograms of the
same image on camera and in EVU (EOS File Viewer Utility):
Brightness |
We think that the camera RGB histogram
shows the data differently than EVU and the camera luminance histogram.
The camera RGB histogram seems not to show data below a certain
percentage (e.g. calculates 0.45 pixels histogram height and will
round it to 0, this is numerical correct but sends the wrong message
to the user) while the EVU RGB histogram indicates that there
are still data available.
We will from now on use the camera
brightness histogram and only in some case also consult the RGB
histogram. Unfortunately there is no way to switch fast between
both versions in camera.
5/24/2004 Our own 1D Mark II got in |
Interesting that our own
shootout between Canon 1Ds, Canon 1D Mk. II and the Kodak SLR
/c made us buy the Mark II. Before this test we had
no plans to buy the Mark II. Why did we buy this camera?
- We wanted a second body (we are two Bettina and Uwe) and it
feels not that well switching between 10D and 1Ds. To get us
right the 10D is a wonderful camera but if you own the 1Ds you
will hardly use it.
- The Kodak
SLR /c would probably win the resolution contest
but resolution is not all what a camera is all about. Also the
SLR /c has quite some quirks (e.g. color shifts with some lenses,
AF problems with other ones)
- A second Canon
1Ds would not be bad but these are the points against
this choice:
- Lot more expensive
- We expect a next version later this year
- Not as good ISO behavior as the Mark II
- This left the Canon Mark II which did not
perform that bad in the resolution discipline and was the master
of low noise at high ISO
- ISO matters: We photograph also a lot freehand. Being able
to select a higher ISO allows for better DOF and/or higher shutter
speeds. Both needed more often or not.
- We like the 1.3x multiplier. Many praise full frame sensors
but also forget that only very few lenses are critical sharp
in the corners. We find that 1.2-1.3x is a good balance between
wide angle capabilities (we hardly use extreme wide angle) and
avoiding the extreme corners of the full frame sensors. Why
did we then get a 1Ds in the first place? The only reason was
the absolute resolution.
At the end of our brief test it was clear to me that the 1D Mark
II is the most universal performer in this field. |
Today we made our traditional Los Gatos tour
with our brand new 1D Mark II. There is not to much learning coming
from a Canon 1Ds. The only thing to reevaluate is the reading
of the histogram (e.g. how much to the right can we go without
blowing out any highlights). We rather accept some mild under
exposure than risk to lose highlights. Also here a low noise helps
as the underexposed areas won't show that bad noise with the Mark
The 1D Mark II features a RGB histogram that shows all three
RGB channels. This is a very good move but unfortunately this
histogram is hard to read. We would like to see the luminosity
histogram with some indicators that warn if channels get clipped.

Los Gatos Ristorante
100% magnification
Results are good in color and also detail without any major changes
except some white balance correction (the auto white balance was
very close and may be even more correct).

Los Gatos Antique store
100% magnification
Very nice detail and low noise in
the shadows.
ISO Test 2
We did a second ISO test using our
standard scene and additional ISO 1600.
Bear Coffee Shop
Canon 1D Mark II |

ISO 100 |
200 |

ISO 400 |

ISO 800 |

ISO 1600 |
ISO 1600 treated with Noise Ninja
The noise behavior of the Mark II
is just amazing. Even at ISO 1600 the noise does not get out of
hand and can be controlled using Noise
Ninja 2.0 (we used only the automatic settings in
Noise Ninja).
We think that Noise Ninja and Simple
Sharpening (here we are of course somehow biased) are essential
tools for all Mark II owners. |
We have the ISO 1600 as original
raw here for your information. |
5/22/2004 1D Mk II and Simple Sharpening |
We let a customer speak for us:
"If you own a 1D-II buy this NOW. I can sharpen to hell
and back without halo's. Being an owner of Smarter Sharpen, this
is everything I'd hoped for."
Dan Barthel, 5/21/2004
For more info read here this. |
5/15/2004 1D Mark II ISO check (not extreme) |
In out shootout yesterday we also made some
ISO tests with the Mark II.

Sample Scene
ISO 160

ISO 320
ISO 640

ISO 1250
The noise behavior of the 1D Mark II is just stellar.
The more we look into results of this camera the more we are impressed. |
5/14/2004 Kodak SLR/c, Canon 1Ds and 1D Mark
II comparison photos |
We have new
article that features this comparison.
4/12/2004 Canon's
new Raw Converter: DPP |
The Mark II comes with two software applications:
- EOS Viewer Utility (EVU) is a very much improved version of
the old File Viewer Utility
- Digital Photo Professional (DPP)
You find a brief review
of DPP here. |
3/31/2004 !d Mark II first impressions |
We did not get a a review camera yet but had
the chance last week to use a Mark II for one hour in Alviso.
We will share our first findings. Otherwise wait for our diary
once we will get a sample for two weeks.
Of course the 1D MArk II feels very familiar to us as we use
a 1Ds all the time.
We will discuss three topics:
- Softness?
- RGB Histogram
Most digital cameras have an AA filter to avoid
color aliasing and moires. There are two schools of thought:
1) Avoid the AA filter as much as possible as
it hurts final sharpness and detail
2) Use an AA filter to help prevent aliasing/moires
and accept the fact that you need to sharpen the image stronger
Our take on the 1D Mark II is that it has a quite strong AA filter
and needs also strong sharpening. We demonstrate this with two
Note: We used for all shots good
Canon lenses (180mm Macro and 24-70mm zoom).

Gate in Alviso

100% magnification crop (no sharpening)

100% magnification (strong sharpening)
We sharpened pretty strong in Simple
Sharpening and you can see the result is quite good
(hardly halos visible).

In Alviso
100% magnification crop (no sharpening)
100% magnification crop (strong sharpening)
The Canon 1Ds does not only have
more resolution but also features a weaker AA filter.
RGB Histogram
Canon listened and implemented a
full RGB histogram, bravo. Unfortunately this histogram is not
that easy to read in bright light. Here is a proposal:
- Each clipped (overexposed) channel should blink. This way
it would easy to see that there is a channel clipped.
The noise behavior of this camera is excellent:

Alviso Mural Detail (ISO 1600)
100% magnification crop (ISO 1600)
All noise removal was set to off
in Camera Raw.
Now we have to wait to get the review camera. |
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Other Reviews
Review methodology
(or lack of :-)) here. |