Digital Outback Photo calls it's reviews "Experience Reports"
as they are not usual equipment tests. We report subjective findings
while using the equipment. The reasons are
- Other sites perform excellent traditional tests which do not need
to be duplicated
- We believe that a photographer with his mind in "test mode"
has problems in concentrating on making meaningful photos.
- We view equipment as tools to help make good photos and if we can
show some nice results it is telling a lot about this piece of equipment.
- Our domain is outdoor photography where objective tests are hard to
perform (light, weather, ...)
- We might not care about many equipment features as we concentrate
to use it for our task at hand and only if we miss something we might
look into the issue. We sometimes realize with our own equipment useful
features very late in the game and dismiss some other feature which
does not seem to be that useful anymore.
- Over time readers learn how to take assessment of a certain reviewer
and understand what it means for them in their personal context.