This 2010 Memorial weekend we had some fun to photograph and film at the Hollister Air Show. As usual during this time of the year and noonish time the sky was boring blue. This was an invitation to try out some Texture Blending (read more from here). In the end we found a way to simulate a kind of hazy cloudy sky that does not really show that much as a painterly effect (not all people like the painterly feel of stronger blends).
Hard to believe but we already reduced the blues in Lightroom
The picture looks clean but the blue is far too boring for our taste. Here is the resulting image after blending with our DOP Texture Blending script.
The trick is to lower the opacity of the Texture Blending layer.
By the way we also created a new texture this weekend that was used in these examples:
Note: This texture has evolved over time and is itself a blend of 3 other textures.
We found this blending works very well with our Air Show pictures. As mentioned we have these boring skies here all the summer. Why not applying the same texture to other photos.
Note: With our DOP Texture Tuning Kit it is very easy to apply the same Texture Blending recipe to other images.
Nice oak group, but weak sky
We used again the same texture but applied the texture blending just to the sky:
Texture Blending can also be used at lower opacities to create effects that don't show a strong painterly effect. Best you try it out yourself.