This page will show our main cameras and camera
bags used in the field. You can find our tripods, heads, plates and
clamps here.
Note: Note all the cameras and lenses we talk about
are owned and also payed in full by us. This means we only show equipment
we really use and like at this point in time.
Over the time out bags get smaller and right now we use both the Lowepro
Mini Trekker AW as our main backpack although we also own the larger
It sounds strange but we really like right now to use a combined Canon/Nikon
system. When we describe the different sets we will tell you what we
like about both systems. In the end we are not Nikon or Canon shooters
instead just photographers :-). This also means that test cameras may
replace one of the systems at times. Actually we consider the systems
we have as the best we could buy if we would start from scratch.
Even if one backback is dedicated
to Bettina and one to Uwe we switch cameras
the time
with two tripods) or work together on one tripod. We use all cameras
most of the time in manual mode and have hardly any issues when switching.
Bettina is more dynamic in terms of good framing and Uwe watches the
histograms and settings most of the time.
Note: We often work freehand. Then people say "Uwe
does not like tripods". Nothing could be further from the truth. We
love tripods but also the flexibility of working freehand. This is
always an equation of these factors:
- ISO (we always limit the max ISO depending on the camera)
- f-stop (we try to get good DOF, f/11-F16 is not rare for us)
- shutter speed (we always use shutter speeds that avoid blur, here
IS or VR help a bit, but even then we try to be conservative)
- Composition
- Flexibility
If the ISO/f-stop/shutter speed combination does not work for freehand
we use our tripods. Also tripods allow more careful framing to the
expense of
flexibility. When you consider that we publish about 80-90% of all
our images not cropped and from those at least 50% are shot freehand
you may get an idea that we don't have real issues working freehand
Right now we
feel that we own all the lenses we need for both the Canon and Nikon
systems (actually more than we need). We are now using this setup for
at least two months and are very happy with it.
Bettina's Bag

Betina's bag
We try to keep Bettina's bag slighly
lighter although it is not really light. Sometimes we may remove some
lenses if we feel no need for it and also the partner will have probably
the focal range available.
This bag holds the Canon 1Ds Mk. II and
lenses that cover a range from 24-200mm (with 1.4x adapter to 280mm).
Here in detail:
- Canon 1Ds Mk. II: Amazing camera, top resolution
and great noise behaviour. A bit heavy and we are not that happy
with the histogram readings anmd the awkward "mirror lockup". To
get us right: we love this camera!
- Canon 70-200mm f/2.8 IS: Our most used lens. Top
class for a zoom of this range. IS really works and helps to work
freehand. Most of the time the shutter speed is above 1/160 sec if
we use IS. We have IS even on using a tripod.
- Canon 24-70mm f/2.8: Also a great zoom for this
range. Easily prime lenses can outperform it but we need and love
the flexibilty.
- Canon Macro 50mm: Great and cheap macro lens.
- Canon 1.4x tele extender: Very good in combination
with the Canon 70-200mm zoom.
- Nikon 1.4x tele extender: Very good in combination
with the Nikon 70-200mm zoom.
- Also in the bag: CF-Cards, cable remote release, WhiBal, tiny backup
disk and more.
Uwe's Bag

Uwe's bag
This bag holds the Nikon D2x and
lenses that cover a range from 24-300mm (with 1.4x adapter to 420mm).
Because the D2x features a multiplier of 1.5x the effective range is
36-630mm. Why the D2x and not a second Canon 1Ds2, 5D or 1D Mk. II
(we own one too). Actually we like the 1.5x multiplier of the D2x and
made this decision after taking 5000 frames with a Nikon D2x loaner
camera. Full frame cameras need longer and more heavy lenses to get
the same
reach at the same resolution. Also the we like sometimes to use
the D2x 8 fps "Fast Crop" mode. We think that we are quite
well equipped with this camera to also handle some wildlife (which
is not our main
subject but still a lot of fun).
Here in detail:
- Nikon D2x: Great camera, very good resolution
and noise fine up to about ISO 300 (get us right we are picky here).
Lighter than the 1Ds2, feels like a glove in our hands and we are
much more
with the
histogram readings.
- Nikkor AFS 70-200mm f/2.8 VR: Our most used lens
on the D2x. Top class for a zoom of this range. VR works and
helps to work
freehand. Most of the time the shutter speed is
above 1/200 sec if we use VR. We have VR off using a tripod for the
Nikon system.
- Nikkor AFS 300mm f/4: Great lens for more reach.
We would love to have this lens featuring VR though.
- Nikkor AFS 28-70mm f/2.8: Also a great zoom for
this range. Easily prime lenses can outperform it but we need and
the flexibilty.
- Nikkor AFS 24-120mm f/3.5-5.6 VR: This lens is
new and our lens of choice if we just plan to use one lens.
- Nikon 1.4x tele extender: is in Bettina's bag.
- Also in the bag: CF-Cards, cable remote release, WhiBal, tiny backup
disk and more.
The extra Bag

Extra Bag
We have this extra Lowepro SlingShot 200 AW bag for traveling
light and with special IR equipment.
- Canon 350D: This is a nice and light camera
- Canon
350D IR modified:We use this IR camera for alternative
B&W photography
- Canon 70-200mm f/4: Excellent zoom (with IS it
would be a dream)
- Canon 17-40mm f/4: Just in case we need it wider.
The SlingShot design allows you to grab your camera and still keep
the bag on your body:

SlingShot opens on the side while carrying the bag
Whats left in the Car?
For each trip we decide what additional equipment to
- Tripods,
head, plates, clamps and rails
- Stepping Stool
- More lenses: Actually this is rare these days
as we think the set we presented is good for at least 95% of all
the shots. But we also have some specialty lenses:
- Macro lenses (for both systems)
- T/S lenses
- Diffusers:
Very useful tool. But sometimes we even forget to use it :-)