We photograph quite a few flowers and smaller rock
abstracts and the light is often too harsh by the California sun. We
already looked at the Lastolite Translucent
Tri-Grip Reflector in a previous
field report. We like the handling very much but have also seen a few
- sometimes not large enough
- also takes too much light away
That is why we investigated into alternative solutions and found the
products of the company Westcott. In the end we selected two products:
1. Scrim Jim

Scrim Jim
This is a very interesting solution as you can get many
different diffuse fabrics and they start at 1/4 stop China Silk. The
downside is that you have to mount the set (frame and fabric). This
means it is not really a solution for using on a hike.
2. One-Stop Silk (36x48")

One Stop Silk
This panel has a good size, if brighter than the Lastolite
solution and is easy to transport. The only downside is that you should
not have too much wind or otherwise the pressure maybe to strong on
the panel.
The One-Stop Silk is now our standard diffuser in the
Here is a comparison of the diffusion both tools provide:

darker (One-Stop Silk), lighter (Scrim Jim 1/4 Silk)
The Scrim Jim is way brighter but may
also get you deeper shadows. Overall we would like to see a 1/4 to
1/2 stop Silk in the form factor of the One-Stop Silk product.
Both Products are highly recommended
Westcott Website