Hello friends, below is my personal views on NIKON'S
new powerhouse the D2X. These comments are just the "highlights" of
what this machine can do. There is so much more.
First let me qualify myself by saying that in 45+ years of taking
pictures with possibly every camera made since the 1950's, Shooting
every subject from astro
to micro, beautiful women in europe to bugs in the studio, teaching at the
college level , owning successful studios And, since I was the
first to get a production
over the counter D2X here in los angeles that it was prudent of me to chime
in with my thoughts on this camera. Let me start off by saying
i've always shot
nikon and leica since the beginning, I've never received anything from them
for free nor any other camera maker. I currently shoot for and
am sponsored by TAMRON
so I use all their lenses which I find to be of excellent quality especially
the 28-300DI, 17-35 and the 90 2.8 macro and all of my shots and views are
with these lenses.
 A small Rant first
First and foremost I must start off by saying that "THE
CAMERA YOU USE MEANS NOTHING." This is absolutely true. You
can buy a $10,000 necklace but, that will not make you a better photographer.
You can buy a $200 camera on E-Bay that will shoot sharper images
any $8,000 DSLR, but that means you must put in the time and actually
learn photography. A $200 used Rolleiflex, Yashicamat or Rolleicord
can blow away a $4000 doctor Leica. (sorry - we call those doctor
If you want to shoot 4x5 or larger, god bless you. I just am not able
to deal with that anymore....paying for Polaroid film, for regular
film (which is disappearing quickly) and processing. It's too expensive
and time consuming for me now and, who wants to wash fiber based prints
at 3 am for 2 hours?!
Photography is and will always be "about the light" not
the camera, film, or a gazillion pixels. I have seen stunning 18x24
inch prints made with 3 and 4 megapixel cameras and I've seen horrible
8x10 inch prints from $30,000 22 megapixel cameras. What does that
tell you?
Like a lot of the so-called 'old timers', I had a real problem with
digital at the beginning. Looking back just four years I would scoff
at the notion of not using film. Well, I guess you CAN teach an old
dog new tricks. What did it for me was on one of those endless nights
at 4 am after standing up for ten hours in the darkroom, with the smell,
falling asleep waiting for prints to wash so I could dry them. I figured
I should check this digital thing out - tough decision after 45+ years!

For the last three years or so, if I wasn't off in Europe shooting
for a client, I would take to the road at every chance I could get.
I would go for a few weeks and shoot everything I saw. Each time I
would take the newest state-of-the-art digital camera, as well as many
film cameras. I would shoot both formats to do my own testing on the
subjects. Every time I returned from one of these trips, I'd end up
selling another film camera, then another. Until the last time I went
with only one which was sold upon my return. (Hooray for E-Bay!) Needless
to say digital has changed my life. Now, at least I can sit at my computer
and process images. BUT, it has not made me a better photographer. THE D2X

As soon as I could charge the batteries
[101 min each] I shot every thing I could for 10 solid days and
nights. Approx. 5000 images , Just for
speed sake everything was shot on JPEG/FINE mode. I figured if it wasn't
good at this
setting then what's the use. I don't shoot RAW and really cant figure
out why anybody does unless you cant get it right the first time or,
you love to
twiddle on your
computer. According to nikon there is a 4x loss in image quality shooting
JPEG, I have yet to see the difference between the two file formats,
if I shot raw
it would take me forever to process the volume of work I must do daily.
Just don't ever save anything as a JPEG, work on it then save as
a tiff. I find the viewfinder to be extremely easy to
see through with no tunnel effect, nice and bright also as I am a
glasses person one would
need to get
the rubber
eyecup if not, the monitor gets all foggy. It comes with a clear matte
focusing screen and in the box is a type b brite view screen replacement
, I put it
in and it is quite good . I tried every white balance setting and found
the AWB the
best by far of all the nikons I've used and I like very warm over saturated
images being an old film guy, you can also set WB in kelvin ''very
cool'' . Auto focus
is to say the least, "Amazing".
The cameras overall feel is
quite powerful and ''tank'' like which I prefer, The high speed crop
mode is a one button push and a turn
of the
dial, Sports guys are gonna love this as a 300 lens becomes a 600
lens and is clearly
defined in the viewfinder with a highlighted grid. Also Very cool!
The monitor is huge and extremely good, just remove the monitor protector
and get those
Hoodman stick-ons, they are great.
Depth of field preview is very good
also as is the control panel screen, I love the ability to zoom in
on the image to check focus
, I think
it's 27/30 times,
Image Quality

"ABSOLUTELY BREATH TAKING" almost 3 dimensional. Like I've
said I shot everything at JPEG/FINE and found at iso 100 I could blow
up to over 300% in photoshop
before it came apart, Quite amazing!! NOISE? ...of course at
that size, either it was noise or artifacts something was there but at real world
print sizes
as large as 24 x 36 and larger you would be hard pressed to see
them. ISO 200 as
you would imagine about 5% worse, ISO 400 noticeably worse, ISO
800 not very exciting without noise reduction software which I personally don't
like as
I find it puts a ''plastic'' look on the images and i've tried
them all and prefer
to use the blur tool around the shadows if it needs to be or
in photoshop.

Here's a new one for you, while I was spending time with one
of the developers of this camera who has been with nikon
for over
20 years, he said something
that changed everything and went against all that I've heard
and done. He said to turn the sharpening ON in the camera
not off like
we have
always heard, guess
what, he was RIGHT!!!! I'm not going to go on and on about
why, just try it. Battery life is astounding and, lastly there are
2 very cool items like image overlay, putting one image on top of
or behind
and 7 image
auto multiple
In Conclusion
 Remember, I shoot in day to day real world conditions
and don't get cameras for free to test in the high country
clean air
or with million
lenses at my
disposal and I don't shoot that many sports so my criteria
is a lot different from some but the same for most.
is the best camera nikon has come up with yet for my needs and I
find it to be a lot of fun to shoot and
I look
to many
years of service.
yes I've shot the new canon and yes the canon is in
my opinion better in some areas, Is the nikon worth $5000.00?,
NO! Is
the Canon 1DSMK2
$8000.00? absolutely not. Did I have to buy it? YOU
Any other questions I can help with just ask www.rinderart.com |