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Glimpse of Zion #2

Zion Plateau

by Bettina + Uwe Steinmueller


Before we head to the craziness of the PMA 2007 we spent a few days in Zion National Park. Here are some of our shots. We did all corrections on our notebook computer in Lightroom. None of the images is considered final. Because Zion is such an amazing place it is hard to create photos that do this place any justice.

It is Zion in very early spring and the cottonwood trees don't show any leaves. We like them this way.

At Emerald Pools


Ice at Emerald Pools


Cottonwood in Zion Canyon


Cottonwood in Zion Canyon


Zion Plateau


Zion Plateau


Zion Plateau


Zion Canyon


Virgin River Cascades


We publish the following photo here because this was the first Big Horn Sheep we ever have seen in the wild. We have even a photo when it crossed the road.

Bighorn Sheep (major crop)






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