I have completed the first of two articles
focused on printer profiling.
This first article covers some of the theoretical and practical aspects
of profiling RGB printers, while the second article will describe
how to edit and possibly improve printer profiles.
The articles are written with the avid and demanding reader in mind
and they dig deep into a topic that remains a mistery for many users.
All the fundamental concepts behind the most common options of the
best profiling softwares available are analized and explained in
an easy to
understand language.
Below are presented two previews of what’s inside the first
technical article.

The Testchart, an untagged RGB file, is sent to the printer through
the printer driver. Once printed, the Testchart is measured with a
color measurement instrument (either a colorimeter or, better, a spectrometer)
to measure the resulting CIELab colors. The set of RGB-CIELab color
pairs is then used to build the profile.
Don’t miss the opportunity to finally get familiar with the most
intricate concepts of Color Management priciples applied to the Art
and Science of Printer Profiling.

Locations of the 64 color patches within the RGB cube. The cube is
evenly divided into 27 smaller cubes with each of the vertices representing
a sample color of the testcharts.
Due to its length (14 pages), the full article is available for download
only, in PDF format. You can find the full article here
(PDF) or at Giorgio’s
About Giorgio Trucco
Giorgio Trucco is a GretagMacbeth ProfileMaker Beta Tester.
Giorgio is also a photographer based in California,
where he relocated from Italy to pursue his interests in Wildlife
and Landscape Photography.
A free-lance photographer and a Color Management Consultant and Trainer,
Giorgio is available for any questions regarding this article and all
other aspects of Color Management.
His website can be found at http://www.gt-photography.com
His email is: giorgio@gt-photography.com