9/17/2007 Laws Railroad Museum
In Bishop is the Laws Railroad Museum located. All buildings show many exhibit of old equipment. The buildings are grouped around the original Laws railway depot.

Gas Station (Canon 40D)

Wheel (Canon 1D Mark III)

Barber Shop (Canon 40D)
All post-processing was done in ACR 4.2 and LightZone 3.1.
9/14/2007 Bodie
Most of the time we are in the Eastern Sierra we also visit a few times Bodie. One may think that a ghost town (especially so well preserved as Bodie) will stay still in time. Not really, Bodie lost alone this winter 20 smaller and larger structures. Part of the fun is to experience these changes.

Windows (Canon 1D Mark III, tonemapped in Photomatix)

Door and Window (Canon 40D, HDR photo tonemapped)

Bottles in Window (Canon 40D, tonemapped)
All photos today were shot as high speed brackets. This way we have many options during post-processing.
We also offer hands-on workshops that teach this new and innovative approach (you find more about our workshops here). The 10 or 6.5 fps rates of our cameras is key to it.
9/13/2007 Ground Squirrel Day
When we are in Mammoth we often spend some hours at Lake George to photograph Golden -mantled Ground Squirrels and Chipmunks. It is hard to get nice shots of these critters. The hardest part is to get an even reasonable background (you may want to read this article). Our both cameras used a 70-200mm zoom (although different multipliers). To get our shots we had to get very close to the squirrels.

Golden -mantled Ground Squirrel (Canon 1D Mark III)

Golden -mantled Ground Squirrel (Canon 40D)

Chipmunk (Canon 40D)
The Chipmunks are quite a bit smaller and don't like to pose that much as the Golden-mantled Ground Squirrels.
The Canon 40D was fun to use for this kind of photography.
9/12/2007 Yosemite
Note on image processing: While on the road we only inspect our photos briefly as we wait for detailed editing till we get home. This means that all the pictures posted are some first versions that we would like to share. We still hope you can enjoy them.
Most of the time we drive to Mammoth (Eastern Sierra) via the Tioga pass. We always stop at the Olmstedt Point and shoot the same scenes over and over again. Some shots got better over time.

shot with Canon 40D
The hardest part is always to find a moment when this amazing little tree is not covered by tourists. They all want to photograph themselves and hardly care about the tree.

Boulder (Canon 1D Mark III)
We like these boulders on a Olmstedt plateau. This shot uses HDR to reduce the shadow noise.
The third photo is by no means a good photo. But the beauty of outdoor photography is that you have other great moments that may not end up as a good photo. This bear was the first bear we have even seen in the wild nature. Unfortunately he was far away (photo is a small crop):

Mature bear cub (Canon 40D)
As said this is not a good photo but for us personally it brings back the memory. Maybe it makes you smile :-).
9/11/2007 Our Gear
This is our fifth visit to the Eastern Sierra. We stay in Mammoth and plan to concentrate on Bodie and Mono Lake.
Join us on our trip. We try to publish multiple times during our visit.
Gear and Packaging for Eastern Sierra
We selected the cameras that we think capture best the DR. Please check out these two essential articles:
We will use once agian our new High Speed HDR technique. We also offer hands-on workshops that teach this new and innovative approach (you find more about our workshops here). The 10 or 6.5 fps rates of our cameras is key to it.
We take intentionally a minimal set of lenses. We rather switch cameras than lenses. Remember this is equipment for two people who work very closely as a team. Bettina and Uwe switch cameras all the time.
We have 3 small backpacks (we will then pack 2 or 3 bags for the day)
Bag #1

Bag #1
There is some stuff in the bag that we have only in for the transport (e.g. chargers).
- Caonon EOS 1D Mark III (our review)
- Canon 70-200mm f/2.8 IS USM
- Canon 24-105mm f/4 IS USM
- Canon 17-40mm f/4 USM
- Canon 100mm Macro f/2.8
- >10GB storage on CF cards
Bag #2

Bag #2
- Canon EOS 40D (our review)
- Canon 70-200mm f/4 IS
- Canon 50mm f/2.5 Macro
- Canon 50mm f/1.2
- 100 GB USB disk #2
- >10GB storage on CF cards
- Cable releases
Bag #3

- Leica M8 and 50mm f/2.0 (our review)
- Leica 28mm f/2.8
- Voigtlaender 75mm f/2.5
- Filter for IR photohgraphy
Travel Computer
- 13" MacBook (2GB memory, 160 GB Disk + 2x 100 GB USB disk as security backup in camera bags)
- Software