Think Tank Photo produces now photo bags for some years. They focus on quality and good access/transport of your gear while on the job.
We find that bags needs to fit like gloves. But in difference to gloves bags not only have to fit to your body but also for the job and photographic style. We use now a few Think Tank Photo bags for our work that are excellent in all these dimensions.
Steetwalker Backpacks
We (Bettina and I) use the Streetwalker Pro and Streewalker Harddrive backpacks.

Streetwalker Pro

Streetwalker Harddrive
Here are some of the highlights:
- Top quality bags (e.g. metal hooks)
- Deep enough to hold pro cameras
- Tall enough to hold even long pro lenses
- Stands upright when put down (most other bags tilt to one side)
- Removable waist belt
- Rain covers built-in
- Wears excellent also if you have small shoulders (both of us)
- Very adjustable breast strap
- Tripod support
- Easy to transport up to two water bottles
What is hard to describe is the feeling to wear the Streetwalkers. This are likely the best backpacks we ever carried. Both function and comfort are top class.
Even if you are not planning to carry a notebook computer we prefer the Streetwalker Harddrive if we carry a lot of gear.
Highly Recommended
Urban Disguise 20

UD 20
We use the UD 20 for carrying our Panasonic G1 gear with a few lenses. Don't buy bags that are too tight. The UD 20 fits well and has enough space for extra stuff.
Highly Recommended
Urban Disguise 35

UD 35
The UD 35 is our bag for travel light. It carries our 13" MacBook and the Panasonic G1 plus lenses.
Because at the airport we find a shoulder bag not that convenient we used an extra Think Tank Photo harness and converted the UD 35 into a small backpack. We used the UD 35 with the harness on our recent trip to Miami and we were were very pleased using it. It fittet well under the seat in the planes (while our other carry-on gear was in the overhead compartment).

UD 35 with harness
Highly Recommended
Note: Right now we use for most of our work one of the bags shown here.
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