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Outback Photo Handbook: Image Composition

Article series

Composition Matters and Finding & Framing Scenes

by George Barr & Uwe Steinmueller

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Composition Matters

Our regular contributor George Barr starts today writing a series called: Composition Matters. Of course everybody knows this. This does not mean they spend enough thought on composition. The main reason is that one easily gets carried away by the scene or subject at hand. George's articles help you to improve your own compositions.

All articles (past and future) can be found in the our section about Composition.

Finding Scenes & Framing

Uwe Steinmueller plans to write the new series: Finding Scenes & Framing. Actually there are scenes and subjects everywhere. You just have to discover them. We hope our articles can help a bit for your own process.

As you can imagine both series complement each other.

Again all articles (past and future) can be found in the our section about Composition.

Right now we aim for one article per month.


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