These days many people create HD videos, The content gets mostly shown on Vimeo and/or YouTube. But why not play on your larger TV set? In the old days you would have created a DVD and played. This is not only tedious but also DVDs and DVD players cannot show HD content. You need a Blu-ray player and create Blu-ray DVDs or special DVDs that can show HD content. This is all a lot of hassle.
Here the Western Digital Media Player can help. Store your HD movies on a USB drive and play directly to your TV set (best connected via HDMI).

The WD Media Player can play many different media formats. It is easy to convert to some format that can be played.
Video Installation at the San Juan Bautista State Park
Since over 18 months we work as a volunteer for the San Juan Bautista State park. We document the park in photos and videos.
We started a project to document the rooms on the second floor of the Castro Breen Adobe building.

Castro Breen Adobe Building
Due to security issues the second floor is closed to the public. The idea was to document the rooms on the second floor and show a video to visitors (many schools).
We approached Western Digital to donate a WD Media Player to the State Park (the park is always on a tight budget) and and thankfully they did. The Media Player can be set to "Auto Play" and continuously play the videos. Right now we are in the process to let other volunteers to build a cabinet.
Here are three videos that are planned to be on display.
We included a timelapse that shows a busy school day.
The third short movie is shot in the Plaza Hotel.
We hope the State Park visitors will enjoy these movies.
Updating the videos is as easy as changing the USB drive content.
Right now the installation is not final (cabinet missing). Once everything is final we will update this article.
We are glad to be able to help the State Park to show a place like this. We also want to thank Western Digital for their support. Here is the official Media Player website. |